Saturday, April 11, 2009

Zig Ziglar & Dad


  1. This is a neat video. : )
    Was it your Dad who influenced/empowered the idealist in you? The belief that there is "More In Us Than We Know'?

  2. Yes-It was! He would play Zig Ziglar in the car on road trips (speaking of road trips) and was hopelessly idealistic. Incidentally, in the poem I am the mirror. Glad you liked it.

  3. Hi Alisha and "Happy Easter".

    Great fun and inspiring video. Thanks for posting it.
    ANd I love to hear about Dad's and how some have inspired and taught and have influence in wonderful ways long after they leave this earth. This is true of my Dad too - he is so much a part of me that people close to me who never met him know his funny sayings, like " we have more fun than people", :-), or, "do you walk to work or carry a lunch?", :-),and his philosophy was that every day we should laugh and make other peoplelaugh too. Oh he was a legend.

    And today I am honored to know a little about your Dad through you.

    Love Gail

  4. Thanks Gail,
    Fun to hear a tidbit or two about your Dad as well. Happy Easter

  5. Loved this...I didn't even realize that this is where I get some of my own philosophies!

  6. I know, AS I was watching I couldn't believe how much was instilled in us by Zig through Dad!
